Monday, 29 September 2014

Top 10 Hill Driving Techniques

Top 10 Hill Driving Techniques

(Especially applicable to the Indian Ghat sections)

The driving etiquette of the hills is to always give preference to upcoming vehicles.

1.     Precautions to be taken for both the vehicle & the driver before  going on a hill trip.
o   Always check the vehicle’s brakes before on going on hill journey.
o   Check your vehicle for overheating issues and if present make sure that you get your radiator overhauled.
o   Check your vehicle’s electricals and if there is an issue, ensure that it is sorted out. (Cars/SUV’s equipped with electric fan and its circuit).
o   Remember to change your wiper blades before starting. (Old wiper blades, which turn hard with time, can cause smudge marks or scratches, thereby reducing visibility- a priority in hill driving).
o   See to it that your vehicle is equipped with good footwear (Tyres with good buttons).
o   Take good rest before starting on a journey.
o   In case you feel sleepy on the way, stop for a short nap to refresh yourself.
o   Take a break after every 1 ½  hours to 2 hours  of continuous driving. If drowsy have a cup of tea.
o   Stretch yours arms and legs while taking a break.
o   Know both your vehicles strength, and your strength and capabilities, before starting on a journey. Do not push your vehicle or yourself beyond that point.
o   In case you find yourself frequently yawning, it either signifies fatigue or an excessive buildup of Carbon Monoxide. In case of the later, open your windows and let fresh air in for 10 minutes. If you still continue to yawn, stop your vehicle immediately.

2.     When you are starting your climb always go in a steady speed and preferably use the 2nd or 3rd gear depending on the slope.

3.     Remember to always follow the hill rule of giving way to vehicles which are climbing uphill. People who drive on the hills regularly always follow this rule. (If a vehicle stops with the intention to let you pass, give a honk- it means ‘thank you’ in hill driving language)

4.     Try to avoid using the A/C while climbing uphill. This prevents overheating issues & additional power is also available from the engine for climbing. (You further benefit from the fresh mountain air).

5.     When you stop your vehicle while climbing always use the handbrake. Remember to put your vehicle on some gear if you are shutting down the engine especially if it is manual transmission. Keep a stone or a wooden block behind the rear tyre, which prevents the vehicle from moving backwards. (For Auto transmission put it in park mode).

6.     If you discover a burnt smell (the first sign of overheating), stop your vehicle immediately & pull over to the corner. Do not shut down the engine on any account. Just keep the engine running a little above idling speed and wait till the engine cools down. Wait till the temperature is within normal operating range before shutting down.

7.     In case your vehicle is boiling (if you see steam coming out of your vehicle), stop your vehicle & pull over to the corner of the road. Do not open the radiator cap immediately. Wait for the engine to cool down first. Hold a thick cloth in your hand & open the cap slowly. Do not open the cap immediately or take away your hand from it. Press down the cap tightly with your hand & slowly remove the excess pressure & steam from the system. Only after making sure that all the steam is gone, open the cap completely. Top up the water in the radiator as required.

8.     Always maintain a steady rhythm while driving. Do not make abrupt changes in direction or speed by sudden slowing, braking or accelerating. Keep to the left in countries where keep to the left rule is followed & never overspeed while climbing. The trick to hill driving is smooth driving. (Rash driving in the hills is also a contributing factor in motion sickness (vomiting). Sucking on a toffee or chewing on a piece of gum will provide some relief).

9.     Always honk while approaching a corner which warns the driver coming in the opposite direction.

10.   Get your vehicle fitted with real fog lamps (Dark yellow coloured ones).The idea behind using these specially coloured lights, is that it will penetrate the fog in the mountains. Ordinary lights which the manufacturers provide in their cars will not penetrate the fog.
(Remember in the mountains, if the temperature is right & if it starts raining fog will appear immediately)

Down hill driving:
1.     While coming down the hill always use the 2nd gear for coming down. Even if it is too slow it does not matter. You will be using engine braking rather than regular brakes .Continuous usage of brakes will lead to overheating of the brakes.
(Remember safety of family comes first).
2.     Do not drive with your leg on the brakes all the time. This will lead to overheating of brakes and can lead to brake failure.

(Example: The Kalhatti Ghat section between Ooty and Mudumalai Wild Life Sanctuary is very steep. A police man is always seen standing there and warning all passing vehicles to use only the 2nd gear while climbing down, but many do not follow it. This results in quite a lot of accidents happening in this section with brake failures being the main reason).

Bon Voyage! Enjoy your sojourn in the hills and be sure to leave your comments in the box below.


  1. Wow! Great write-up! Priceless info from a great hill driver!

  2. this is really useful!! hadn't known a lot of stuff!! thanks for sharing!
